Tuesday 20 September 2011

Record Manufacture

This company seem to uphold the idea that the vinyl record and it's packaging are a form of art.  A view which coincides greatly with my project. The website has videos and template files to help understand the processes used to create the vinyl record and it's sleeve.

Monday 19 September 2011

brave monster - glueless cd packaging

A really effective design, the ostrich works well as a visual cue. The part of this I like the most is the fold  out glueless packing, made with 100% recycled stock. Ethical cd packaging is something I wholeheartedly believe in, with the bonus that for certain designs the texture and colour of recycled card is visually more appealing.

The Dieline - beautiful album art

The Dieline - 2 Crown King album artwork

The overall package of this release comes together to form a visually interesting piece with a varied but balanced colour scheme.